Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A new day

Today was a new day and it wasn't a very busy one. I mostly did the homemaker thing and cooked two dishes I haven't done in years. Chicken & Dumplings and Potato Cakes. The dumplings were delicious but the potato cakes were a flop. Oh well, you win some you loose some!

Tomorrow T and I have a busy day. She is seeing her two therapists - speech and play. Plus she is being re-evaluated by the play therapist and being visited by the EI coordinator. When her therapists come its a day to get nothing done but that.

My sister is sick and seeing her doctor tomorrow so I'll be remembering her in prayer all day. She's my other best friend than my husband. Which is fitting since she introduced me to him. If you read this post I would like to ask you for prayer for her too please.

My daughter and 2 other grandchildren have gone to the beach for the weekend. I hope they are safe. I know they will have a great time. And I look forward to hearing all about their adventures.

T is cutting some teeth and she has a cold so she's been very fretful. Nothing like have a sick baby is there? They rely upon us for all of their needs. And times like this there is just not a lot we can do to help them. It's frustrating.

Have a blessed day tomorrow!

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