Friday, September 12, 2008

What a wild wacky day today

I got up this morning to a semi-sane day but then all of a sudden it changed on me!

My daughter is a severe diabetic and is at the beach in another state sick. She has strep throat which has run her sugar sky high. Due to circumstances beyond her control she is also out of money and has to feed herself and our two grandchildren until the couple she is with comes home on Sunday. So I caved in and sent her money. I'm very concerned about her sugar because it has a tendency to bounce up and down when she's sick. Often to the point of being hospitalized. Not a good thing when you are miles and miles away from home & family.

We are raising our grandchild by our son who is very irresponsible now. He just got fired from a high paying job. He's going to be drawing unemployment when it starts but in the meantime his utilities are being turned off and his child support is behind by a month and a half. Today he called to ask me if he could borrow money to keep his power on. Some days it seems I live in a world of unbelief.

My husband and I never had the opportunity to be irresponsible. From the time we married we've had children to raise, bills to pay, vacations to put off and jobs to keep at all costs.

Is this a symptom of a generation of people who have greater needs than is normal? There are more lazy grown children living with parents now than ever before. There are more parents killing, abusing or neglecting their young than ever before. There are more people who abuse drugs, alcohol or sex now than ever before. Have we lost a generation? And if you believe so then what will happen to our nation when that generation is the ones making laws, leading our government or being role models for the next upcoming generation?

I'm interested in your thoughts.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I almost missed posting today

It's about 10 minutes until 12:00 midnight so I need to get my post for today in.

Today was a busy day meeting with T's therapists. Her play therapist and the coordinator for EI both came at once today. The EI lady was just doing a follow up. Later on her speech therapist came.

T's therapy has helped her so much. She's growing in leaps and bounds. Her vocabulary has increased a lot in the 4 months she's been in speech therapy. She's using 2-3 word sentences almost always now. And tonight she used a 4 word sentence - "PawPaw, put it back".

Her hair is growing too. She had quite a long bunch of blonde curls in the back that was all baby hair. It tangled so badly after naps and baths so I clipped that part off. Now it's just this cute little bob in the back and her curls have sprung up so preciously.

Tomorrow is going to be an interesting day too.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A new day

Today was a new day and it wasn't a very busy one. I mostly did the homemaker thing and cooked two dishes I haven't done in years. Chicken & Dumplings and Potato Cakes. The dumplings were delicious but the potato cakes were a flop. Oh well, you win some you loose some!

Tomorrow T and I have a busy day. She is seeing her two therapists - speech and play. Plus she is being re-evaluated by the play therapist and being visited by the EI coordinator. When her therapists come its a day to get nothing done but that.

My sister is sick and seeing her doctor tomorrow so I'll be remembering her in prayer all day. She's my other best friend than my husband. Which is fitting since she introduced me to him. If you read this post I would like to ask you for prayer for her too please.

My daughter and 2 other grandchildren have gone to the beach for the weekend. I hope they are safe. I know they will have a great time. And I look forward to hearing all about their adventures.

T is cutting some teeth and she has a cold so she's been very fretful. Nothing like have a sick baby is there? They rely upon us for all of their needs. And times like this there is just not a lot we can do to help them. It's frustrating.

Have a blessed day tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Wonderful Weekend

I had a wonderful weekend. Traveled a little, visited some old friends, spent some well-earned time alone with my husband and relaxed. It was very special and will be one of those weekends that will hold special memories for us.

After cleaning, unpacking, washing clothes, and working hard on my house yesterday I paid for it all with pain. I've been having some back problems that haven't been diagnosed yet and it flared up. I am resting today.

I've talked to some online friends who are raising their grandchild/ren too. It seems we all face the same struggles. Lack of child support payments, being physically tired, worried about our adult child who is living their lives dangerously and wondering what tomorrow may hold. What a lot of people don't understand is how overwhelming this job of re-parenting is.

My grandchild's parents are not paying child support right now either. One is 3 months behind and the other is a month behind. Doesn't sound like much but with a growing toddler in diapers and pull ups, a new season coming up to buy clothes for and a birthday party to plan not having the extra money means I have to tap into the household money. Which is not a good thing when you live week by week anyway.

Our nation could support GRG's better if they wanted to. We could use less red tape to try to get assistance. We could us parents being prosecuted quicker than now for non-support. And we could use financial assistance the isn't dependent on our income but on the childs. And those are just a few ways.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

An exciting day for me

Good morning!

Today is an exciting day for me. My husband and I have decided to take off for a long weekend. Our first together in a long time. I've arranged for two sitters for the weekend. I'm packing up today and that pre-vacation excitement has kicked in!

My plans are to find a pool, grab my newest book (you'll find the title in my list), pray for some sunshine and do absolutely nothing all weekend! I want to be wined and dined. I want to shop and spend the money I earned last weekend at my yard sale. It will be so nice to spend some "adult" time with my husband too.

Having a baby back in the house sure does change your life. Some of the things you did with your own children come rushing back. Then you encounter things that you just don't have a clue how to go about doing - although you've done it before. And then you face things that you've never dreamed would happen. Such as being so tired from dealing with a rambunctious toddler. Sleeplesss nights - the baby's and your own. Being up in age and rasing a little one is difficult.

But as the title of my blog says...she's also our late blessing. Who would have known how full a heart could become from little smiles & sweet, sticky kisses?

New at this

Well, it seems lately I'm new at a lot of things.

I've just started digital scrapbooking, I've renewed an old interest in photography, I'm new to being a grandmother raising a grandchild and now I'm new to this whole blogging thing.

I hope that if you wander across my blog and I've said something to catch your attention you will leave me a comment.

And if you share any of the interests that I do please feel free to share a bit your your accomplishments too.